Transportation of detergents and household cosmetics (chemicals)

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Washing powders and household chemicals are products that we cannot do without in our everyday life. We need soap, detergents and cosmetics, hygiene products and other household goods both for antibacterial protection of the body and the body, and for maintaining cleanliness in the house. Therefore, washing powders and household cosmetics can be safely classified as consumer goods. If you are interested in the transportation of these products, our company will assist you in organizing the international transportation of washing powders, soaps, detergents and other household chemicals in the direction you need.

The requirement for the transportation of goods in this category is a clean and dry cargo compartment of the transport, whether it is a tent truck, a sea container or a rail container. Transportation of washing powders and household chemicals in containers is very convenient due to the complete tightness and protection of the cargo from precipitation and sunlight. If you need to deliver or transport a small batch of household cosmetics, we will offer you the option of groupage or passing cargo delivery. For large orders, we will provide a spacious and reliable vehicle. Various options are always possible transportation of washing powders and household cosmetics from Germany, Italy, Turkey, Russia and Ukraine, the main thing is to leave a request for cargo delivery on the website of our company in time.