Transportation of paper and paper products

To transport paper, send a request to
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Country of unloading
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Transportation of paper is the simplest in terms of organizing delivery among existing product groups. Tightly packed packs of paper, rolls, coils, bobbins can be transported by any transport at any distance, the main thing is to protect the cargo from moisture and high humidity. Large batches of paper are transported in rolls or packs tied with a rope, or folded into cardboard boxes.

Our company organizes fast and high-quality transportation of printing paper, as well as other paper products – newspapers, magazines and books for distributors and bookstores. Various variations of transportation of paper products are possible, up to air delivery. For standard orders, we will provide first-class modern vehicles – high-speed minibuses and large-capacity trucks, for transporting paper (cardboard and pulp) and paper products in any quantity in the direction you need. Transportation of paper and paper products is usually ordered from Russia and Europe, less often from Ukraine.