Transportation from Europe to Moldova, Russia.

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Transportation from Europe, transportation from Germany, Italy, transportation from France, Holland, Belgium, Denmark, etc.

Shipping to/from Germany, France, Italy, Poland. Transportation of goods to / from the countries of Western and Central Europe is no less in demand than cargo transportation in the CIS. Moreover, some categories of top quality goods may only be imported from EU countries. Therefore, for cargo owners from the CIS, the direction – Europe is always in great demand. We organize the delivery of cargo to / from any country in Europe by tilt semi-trailers, refrigerators, as well as by rail and air transport.

Transportation of groupage cargoes to / from Germany, France, Italy, Poland. The delivery of groupage cargo from the EU countries to Ukraine, Moldova or Russia takes place according to the following scheme. Your cargo arrives at a consolidated warehouse in any European country, goes through the procedures appropriate for dispatch (weighing, packaging, customs clearance) and is completed on a transport following to the city of Ukraine, Moldova or Russia you need, or in a similar direction. Even if you need to deliver the cargo to a small city, you can be calm, we will arrange door-to-door delivery and your cargo will be delivered exactly to its destination. We deliver groupage cargo from the CIS countries to Europe. In order to find out the details, leave a request for the delivery of groupage cargo on our website.

Cargo transportation at a really optimal price to / from Germany, France, Italy, Poland. Cargo transportation in Europe is quite expensive in itself. In the EU countries, only modern Euro-4 and Euro-5 transport that meets all environmental standards is allowed. Toll autobahns operate, carriers need a valid visa, and strict requirements are imposed on the goods transported. It is not the first year that we have been carrying out cargo transportation across the EU countries, we are familiar with all the peculiarities and difficulties of cargo transportation, and we give an extremely realistic assessment of the cost of cargo transportation from / to European countries. Moreover, we know how, where and what you can save on, how to make shipping more profitable and less expensive. We will offer all cargo owners the most optimal prices for the delivery of goods to / from Germany, France, Italy, Poland to Moldova, Ukraine, Russia.

Urgent cargo delivery to/from Germany, France, Italy, Poland. It is possible to arrange delivery from any EU country to the CIS in 3-5 days. Leave a request for urgent delivery of cargo from the country you need on our website, and we will promptly solve the problem. There are standard delivery times, but when it is urgent delivery of cargo that is needed, we will use the entire arsenal of our capabilities: additional human, technical, information resources, and quickly find free transport to deliver cargo from any country in Europe to the CIS, and vice versa.< /b>

Transport for transportation from and to Europe. Cargo transportation from / to the EU differs from other destinations in increased requirements for transport. For heavy trucks, this is exclusively the Euro-4 or Euro-5 environmental standard, a digital tachometer and other technical equipment. For transportation from the EU countries, we offer modern trucks of all types: curtain-sided semi-trailers, mega-trailers, trucks with isothermal trailers, etc.; for the transportation of groupage cargo, high-speed minibuses and trucks Mercedes Sprinter, Volvo, Renault, etc. are used.

Order delivery to/from Germany, France, Italy, Poland. The economic power of the EU countries is also manifested in the segment of international cargo transportation. Applications for the delivery of goods from these countries to the CIS are received hourly – cargo owners need regular and one-time deliveries from the EU to Ukraine, Moldova, Russia, etc. We have an advantageous offer for organizing cargo transportation from any EU country for each client. We are able to offer a quality selection of reasonable prices, and transport, a decent quality of transportation. Convince yourself of this by ordering the delivery of goods from / to the EU countries on our website through the online application form.